Stormwise would not be possible without a wide array of supporters and collaborators. We particularly appreciate the generous support of the power utilities, Connecticut Light and Power-a Northeast Utilities Company, United Illuminating, and the USDA Forest Service. Audubon Connecticut and Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection are also partners. Cooperating landowners who have agreed to locating research and demonstration sites include White Memorial Foundation, Manchester Water Company, Connecticut Water Company, South Central Regional Water Authority and UConn Forest. Many other agencies, organizations and individuals have expressed their support and encouragement. For more information about Stormwise, we encourage you to contact us directly.
Fostering Stormwise Communities
Creating storm-resilient roadside forests will require the cooperation, understanding and support of many different interested parties. The enormous informational, educational and promotional undertaking of the Stormwise initiative is to contact, communicate and engage with numerous stakeholders who might have varying opinions and perspectives on the issues, increase their knowledge and gain their support. Many stakeholder groups we expect will ultimately be engaged in Stormwise include the following:
Stormwise Your Town
- State and local elected officials
- Conservation Commissions
- Tree Committees
- Tree Wardens
- Planning and Zoning
- Landowners
- Homeowners
Become a Stormwise Practitioner
- Connecticut Forest and Park Assoc.
- Audubon CT
- CT Tree Protective Assoc.
- Tree Warden Assoc. of CT
- CT Urban Forest Council
- Bartlett Arboretum & Gardens
- Garden Club of New Haven
- CT Professional Timber Producers
- Society of American Foresters
- Land Trusts
Advocate Stormwise
- Arborists
- Foresters
- Forest Harvesters
- Urban Foresters
- Utility Arborists
- Portable mill operators/community
- Larger sawmill operators
- Biomass/chip/firewood/mulch producers
Watch for announcements about workshops and other educational opportunities.
One educational program being planned and piloted through a collaboration between CFPA and UConn Extension is expected be of interest to local commissioners and volunteers. It will address how becoming a storm-wise community means also being a tree-wise community, and is intended to elevate knowledge and understanding about trees, tree health and tree management.