
Creating forest conditions along roadsides that are truly storm-resilient requires managing trees for the right species mix, age structure and spatial arrangement based on site conditions. That in turn will require a suite of plans, policies and practices, based on the best available silvicultural and arboricultural science, community engagement, utility backing and public support to put into effect. “Stormwise” is an initiative undertaken to address these challenges.

Connecticut is leading the way

Stormwise is a new and unique initiative that has not been practiced in other parts of the country. Connecticut is leading on this initiative and the people here who know the most about trees, human dimensions, forest management, remote sensing technology, tree biomechanics and power systems are working on it together.

Simplistic approaches to managing roadside trees have proven impractical, controversial or unacceptable (such as removing all trees within a certain distance from the roadside). Initial regulatory directives to the utilities such as “Enhanced Tree Trimming” addressed only part of the issue, and are not long-term solutions.



Learn about our tree biomechanics research sites:


Horsebarn Hill Road

Stormwise site in Orange CT

Greenway Road

Stormwise Torrington site

University Drive